My Own World

So, I got to thinking that I rarely write about myself. I don’t keep a diary and I decided it was unhealthy. I have, therefore, come to the conclusion that I should put myself out there more by writing a journal. I heard it can be quite therapeutic. I’m not claiming that writing a few chosen words online, whilst avoiding essay writing, is going to solve world hunger and bring about peace in underdeveloped countries; but a little intemperance never hurt anyone. I guess time will tell if this self-indulgence amounts to anything.

Just last night I began thinking to myself, why do I write? I write because it seems a quite natural thing for me to do. I don’t seek out praise or recognition through writing, more the opportunity to be heard. I can see the appeal of writing endlessly about foreign lands and birthing new characters for money but when does it stop becoming enjoyable and turn into a business. Take two examples, my favourite author used to be Dan Brown; I loved how he incited controversy by turning facts into fables but as his popularity dwindled he felt the need to produce book after book. The second example being the amazing J.K Rowling, the world of Harry Potter must have been an amazing place to see in her mind and to see it transformed into a movie must have been inspiring, however by splitting the final film into two parts emphasised, for me, the global business it had become rather than her joy of writing.

Many of you who read this are probably thinking to yourself what has she taken, well I can assure you I’m not high. Possibly a little stressed but that’s not accountable to drugs, more because of the pressures of University. My understanding before I entered the “Higher Education” world was that I would be able to form my own ideas about given subjects, but I feel like a laboratory rat memorising facts to maintain the current standing in the league table. Who cares if some guy began a war a billion years ago? I want to understand why, not when and with whom.

Reading those past two paragraphs back I realise that they are quite overstated, so to finish on a pleasant note I thought that I would finish with one of my favourite quotes and if you have read this far, comment below with your own favourite quotes and why you chose them. I’ll write something about it next time I “journal”.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. –Mark Twain.
January 27th, 2012 at 06:12pm