Second official journal entry about nothing in particular.

I've been browsing around here for a couple of hours now, and I'm starting to like it a lot. I like how it resembles Quizilla and another site I really loved, Bolt. I don't know if anyone reading this might know what I'm talking about.

The main thing I loved those sites was because you could focus on people's art expressions instead on their profile picture.

Interaction was a big part of it. Interacting with people from all over the world and feeling content as you came to realize about their and yours common interests and ideas.

I never really wrote a story before, or a quiz. I didn't feel I was good at it or that I might write something worth reading. But now I'm thinking to jump into it just for fun and to see if something good comes out of it, kind of like a challenge to myself.

We'll see.

Now playing: Pretty Buildings - People in Planes
January 28th, 2012 at 03:43am