Call it a Throwback

I'd just like to state that, just taking a look at my story page, I feel terrible. I mean, I haven't updated anything in months. Everything is at a standstill, gathering dust due to my neglect. What the hell kind of a writer am I?

Granted, I posted the work I did for my college writing final last night. I received a single reader & therefore have taken it down. I mean, really? But what should I have expected? It doesn't seem to me like the majority of people here care about serious topics aside from fanfiction stories that lack really anything. There's plenty of good fanfiction, yes- but even that's harder & harder to come across.

I write for myself, no one else... but it's really disheartening to get nothing when pouring your thoughts out to others. I feel like if I wrote an awful fanfiction, maybe my writings would finally deserve the attention I feel they deserve.

I thought the radical & controversial aspect of The Preface to the Art of Red War would appeal to some, but it appealed to one person who didn't even bother to comment on any aspect of it.

I guess I should write about getting knocked up by some celebrity & being the 'weird' girl at some event because she's 'different' & the guy is instantly attracted to her & they have sex & everything's poorly-written sex & rainbows until 'lol I'm pregnant' & all of that crap.

My lord.

Regardless, I hope I can update some things soon. I need to for me- if no one else.
January 28th, 2012 at 05:15am