Better Now

He's coming back to school. That makes me happy., My home situation is better, that makes me happy. I don't think about dying so much anymore. I'm better, I really am. I love myself and I love life. I have friends and I'm in middle school. I still love him as much as ever, but. . . just seeing him for like, three seconds a day keeps me satisfied. Even if he doesn't talk to me or notice that I'm there.
Middle school rocks. (Oh yes, if your wondering about the fact that my profile says I'm 15, well....I lied. I'm 13.) I have a best friend, her name is Ella, I'll post a pic of her ass soon as I can. I have some close friends, Quinn, Mia, Ani, Rachel, Ethan, Mike, Eve, Kate. I'm a happy person in general. I have my ups and downs like every other teenager, but, over all, I think Im gonna be okay:)
January 28th, 2012 at 05:58am