Vietnamese parties and horrible websites.

Today has been a totally wasted day in a fairly decent way. I fell asleep so many times. I've avoided taking a shower for about.. 9 hours? :) it's saturday! I love this kind of Saturday where I do nothing. It's so refreshing after a week of school. Okay, so technically, I had two days of school this week but it still seemed like a lot.
The only negative part of Saturdays like this is I have a mini heart attack once I realize how much needs to be done. Due to recent business involving One Act play, I'm almost never home. I would have cleaned my pit of a room yesterday but I was at a party full of asian children...
XD Seriously. My friend Anh invited me to his birthday party yesterday and my parents were completely fine with it, to my surprise. They even set my curfew to 11 o'clock! ( For a junior in high school, I really have not done many teenager things..)
So, anyway, I expected this party to be a lot...fuller than it was. Anh had told me there would be a lot of people there and when I arrived, I found out that most of the people were his relatives and their many cute asian children. There were people I knew there. ( awkward sentence?) A few freshmen, some sophmores, and one junior who despises my existence. Fun. It actually was quite enjoyable at points! One of my very best friends, who is a freshman, was there and at times, things were quite hilarious. Plus, the food was yummy and I learned a little Vietnamese! Xin Chao!
But, later on, the events became more.. Adult. No, no. Nothing horrible happened. Nothing actually happened. Like I said before, I don't go to a lot of parties and well, I wasn't familar with games like...Gay Chicken. Yeah. I didn't play. It was very brief anyway. But, I laughed! I laughed to cover up how uncomfortable I was.
When all the little children stopped hanging with us, we went into Anh's room and went on Chat Roulette. I'm sure you're aware of this website. It's horrible. Well...
I had never been on it before. I was in the presence of people when they were on it, but I had never been in the ..frame? So, it was all fine and dandy until most of the people left and it was only Anh, me, and my best freshman friend, and another friend. My best friend was not prepared for Chat Roulette. She was disgusted to say the least. Because on chat roulette, one minute you're talking to an attractive Belgian (got his email!) and another minute you're staring at a guy's junk. I feel awful about it, but less for my own sake and more for my friend's. She wanted to go home right away. I don't think it was just that incident, though. She was having a little trouble because a lot of the food had meat in it and she is vegetarian. Anyway, I'm confused to whether the time there was good or not. I mean, obviously it was fun, but obviously it was terrible. I don't know.

January 29th, 2012 at 12:34am