Things I Hate

Hey guys, I don't really know what to write in a journal since I don;t keep a diary or anything like that, but here's a list of things I just hate... Hope you like it, I guess? :)

1. Spiders. They scare the Dominican out of me
2. Listening to dance/techno music in the car. You want to dance to it, but you can't, 'cause you're strapped to a seat in a moving vehicle. And no, that was not meant to be funny.
3. The number 22. I have no idea why I hate this number. It's just... ugh.
4. People who ask obvious questions. Ex) A teacher in class is taking you on a field trip. He/She tells you where you're going, when you're going, and what time you're going. Two seconds later: **Girl raises hand** "Where? When? What time?"
5. When you buy a dollar bag of chips, and 70% of the bag is air, and 30% is chips. My God.
6. When people ask me a million questions a minute. A person needs his/her personal space.
7. Songs with no meaning.
8. Songs with lyrics that not even Einstein can figure out.
9. The name Benjamin (no offense to anybody named this).
10. The word milk. Don't ask.
11. Cold weather. Do I really need to explain myself?
12. Coffee breath.
13. When people snore.
14. Tomatoes. Yet, I love ketchup... O.O
15. When someone asks me a question, and I answer sarcastically, and the person asks if I'm being sarcastic. Come on now. What do YOU think?
January 29th, 2012 at 04:26am