Daily Blog #1: Being an Underdog

Just because a person is smaller, weaker,quieter, or dumber than most people, it doesn't

mean they're not Strong. Strength is more than brute power, it's many things together. In

actuality, the underdogs are the people who end up on top. Through out life, we're pushed

around, mocked for our low status, spit on. But we take it. Because we know that one day,

we'll beat out the upper dogs and show that we were stronger than them from the

beginning. It doesn't matter in what category, but eventually, the crown of upper dog has to

get passed on. Now, the movies tend to be far-fetched, but it's the short version of the

journey. We work non-stop to get as far as the top and we get underestimated. Well that

underestimation is what causes your downfall. We use your lack of interest and concern

against you and make you fall. So being an underdog isn't as bad as people think. Sure, it

sucks in the beginning, but I'd rather go through being an underdog and work my way to the

top than an upper dog and be at the top and get beat out because my ego was to big to think

about what the person might have to offer.
January 29th, 2012 at 07:49am