I don't like to fall in love and i'm scared of rejection

Well I don't know how to start this I have crush on a boy over a year we met in the mall when my ex was cheating on me he help me out on my break up does stuff then we start hang in out every week on the same spot (the only teen hang out place where I live is quite boring there is not many places where teenager can hang out) after month/week I start falling in love with him we like the same stuff we have the exact same taste of music and he is a really sweet guy oh and a little bit shy so after 3 month of my break-up he kissed me (that was like a year ago) I was confuse but I honestly did like it...A lot I sometime wish I could tell him that I love him but i'm scared of rejection and loosing my friendship with him plus I found out that he have a girlfriend for like 2 month so yeah I guess is not the best time to tell him but what I don't get it he still like to cuddle with me and hugging me does stuff.
What most of my and "his" friend said to me that he likes me he get shy when he is around me.(at least he have the gut to talk to me) I wish I could ask him "why did you kissed me before you start dating her?"
This is so confusing I should stop watching shonnen-ai and listening music about love .___.
Love can turn me stupid o____o
"love must be just for idiot" (Why I have my grandma sad eyes by Kill Hannah)
January 30th, 2012 at 01:48am