Daily Blog #2: Unsure Desires

Even when you find the perfect dress, outfit, card, toy, book, etc., you're not sure what to do

with it. Then when you do figure it out, do you really want to go through with it? For instance,

say prom was coming soon and a girl found the most gorgeous dress and it was made for

her. But she didn't have a date, and she was a grade under being able to go alone, then

what? She could always buy the dress, but then it'd just sit in her closet collecting dust. And

if she doesn't buy it, it could be gone and by next year she might not see it again. So what

could you do about a situation like that? It just depends on how much trouble you want to go

through I suppose. that girl could waste $30 on a dress or wait it out and possibly find an

even better dress the following year when she can go. The moral is: when there's

something that was made for you, but there's really no purpose to use it, why get it? In the

future you could probably find something much better. Then, the original item won't sit on a

shelf or in the closet rotting away and never be used because you could never find a use for

January 30th, 2012 at 07:41am