Sticks and Stones.

Bitch. Slut. Fag. These are just words given to generations of men an women, young and old. Nerd. Emo. Whore. Just meaningless. Why is it that people call others this? In my opinion, its because it makes them feel better about themselves. Bullies in general are horrible. People who are constantly bullied suffer. Sure they might put on a fake smile and 'go to' attiude, but inside they're dieing. For all who have been bullied just remember that one kiddy thing 'Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me'. Stand up for yourself and dont let others bring you down. Dont be someone your not. It never get no one anywhere. You'll loose yourself and all you believe in. People who bully others just remember "one day that person may grow up to be bigger then you will ever be. When that day comes and your down, dont expect them to pick up the pieces." Be kind to others. So what if they look different or act different. So what if they listen to totally different music or have other hobbies. We are all human. No one is perfect. Sure some may think they are, but we all have flaws. Everyone has that one thing that makes them special. Screw what people say and make your dream a reality. Dont let others bring you down. Give your all and succeed in the world. I know some of you may hate this and tell me to 'screw off' or whatever, but I could care less about you. Screw the people that put others down. To the people who have ever been called names or just messed with in general... Keep your head high and never let the fear of being ridiculed keep you from your dreams. Dont let it interfere with YOUR life. Its your life, not theirs. Now for all those that I know will leave those hateful comments, I have one thing to say to you and that is, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you put others down to make you feel better. I'm sorry that you dont have your own dreams that you have to crush others. Think about the things you say and about the consequences later on. Thank you for listening.
January 30th, 2012 at 09:46am