3 Years... I'm so Proud

Hey Mibbians, it's been awhile.

I just wanted to share my excitedness for today. Because today, January 30, 2012 marks 3 years since I stopped cutting.

I am so proud of myself, I never thought i would even get past a year let alone 3 of them.

I've had my rough patches like everyone else you know, I still go through a lot but I've learned that I don't have to hurt myself to deal with them, or to forget them.

I have become a stronger person over these past 3 years, although I admit to slipping twice, but it's all part of the process to go from there to here, and I am so so so proud and awed at myself.

I just wanted to share this with you guys because I really can't do it anywhere else without my family going crazy on me, but I thank you all for listening to me.

And I hope that if you cut or if you're thinking about cutting you can message me here or message me on my tumblr: http://stick-that-on-a-postcard.tumblr.com/ and I will be more than glad to talk to you about anything, because you are never truly as alone as you feel.
January 31st, 2012 at 12:07am