Umm so last night i went on this site called Omegle and went on the video chat option long story short I showed my breasts three times to four guys. the first three the ages 17 and 16,they said they would strip if i flash my goods. Even though i knew they wouldnt do it i still did it Same with the other guy who was 20 and well had a different reason for seein them but its too inappropriate to write about it on here. It was so stupid of me to do that! But why did i do it? Was it because i wanted attention? Was it because I wanted to be noticed? Or was it because i was so desprate to be noticed from the opposite sex that i was willing to act like a little slut ? I DONT KNOW! I know better then to do this. I dont know why but i mean maybe it was because of the fact that i knew it was a wrong of me to do it was why i did it, I mean i never tried drugs,never got arrested for any criminal act,never got detention,never disrespected my authoritys, i never even had sex! (Even though i kinda want to i mean come on, i,m a 15 year old teenager with raging hormones for gods sake) So maybe subconsciously because of me being a goody good girl like something in me was saying disobey heres your chance,take it. And it was weird because it was like my conscious went away during that time,like my mind was empty and i didnt really care about what did and if i did it. That has never happend before, my conscious has never left me and it scares the hell out of me if i,m in a situation like that or somethin, that my conscious will disapear again.
So the sucky thing is i feel really disgusted and slutty with myself, But the really sucky thing is that right after i got off the internet my little conscious desided to come out of the shadows and give me a lecture on how much of an idiot i am.
January 31st, 2012 at 03:41am