Ranks Of Our Country

(Faggot Killer[Sorry, wasn't my intention, it was Toni])Pimp of the President and 1st Lady Christopher
Vice-President- Janet(Yeah! Me!)
Governmet- Us
Department of State- Jacob V., aka Jake
Department of Treasury- Steven
Department of Defense- Antoni, aka Toni
Department of Justice- Chloe
Department of Interior- Larry
Department of Agriculture-
Department of Commerce-
Department of Labor-
Department of Health and Human Development-
Departmnet of Housing and Urban Development-
Department of Transportation-
Department of Energy-
Department of Education- Deadblood
Department of Homeland Security- Abraham
Department of Veteran Affairs-
Red House(and there will only be one red house of the whole nation) Chieff of Staff-
Environmental Protection Agency-
Office of Management and Budget-
U.S Ambassador to the U.S-
Council of Economic Advisers-
Small Business Administration-
Drug Lord- Joseph
Department of Zombie Apocalypse Defense Force- Abraham, Steven, Savannah, Janet

We are in need of recruits. Please contact AnimeLoverin or/and(if you want to) Andromedaxx1
January 31st, 2012 at 07:06pm