Why One shouldn't race your dog up the stairs.

So being the stupid kid that I am. I thought it would be a great idea to race my dog, around the house and up the stairs. Only problem, I have a small dog, a shelite. You don't know what that is??? You loser. I'm kidding, it's like a mini Lassie. Everyone knows Lassie right??? "What is it girl? Timmy's in the well?" Wow, now that I'm off topic. I was running with my dog and ran into the door frame, but cleared the small foot rest for our couch. Then came the stairs, some say it's impossible to fall UP the stairs. If so, then I'm a goddess or something. Cause it is freaking possible. I do it at least once every day. But as I was running up the stairs I tripped and fell UP the stairs. Here's the logic, you are moving with such speed up the stairs that when you trip the velocity carries you UP the stairs NOT DOWN. Now that I regained my smartiness. I fell UP the stairs and onto the landing where my dad's desk is. Being the awesome dad he is he rolled back in his desk chair, and asked, "What are we doing?" He didn't even look concerned. I was on my stomach on the landing. "Racing Belle up stairs." He didn't even flinch when he asked, "And you thought that was a good idea why?" That's why I love my dad. I do stupid shit like that and he wants to know the logic behind it. But I'll shut up now and let you all go back to what ever you were doing before you clicked on my journal.
February 1st, 2012 at 03:32am