When You Just Don't Have a Group of Friends || People Shoving Their Religions Down Your Throat

I despise my current friendships. Not the people, but just how I can't seem to stick to one group of friends. I'm usually friends with a select person out of a group. It sucks though, everyone in that said group of people are friends, but then when I'm just friends with a select person, it makes it hard to hang out with them and their friends because I'm not inside the friendship circle. If you get what I mean. My boyfriend is friend with all the more popular people, my best friend is at the bottom of the food chain, my guy friend is hated by all my other friends, my girly girl friend hates everyone I'm associated with, my rock has an entirely different group of friends, my other best friend is friends with all the kids who know every band in history and play every video game known to man. I just can't seem to find a group I'm happy with, I have to take a little bit of everything to feel content... only ending up not feeling content.


So there's this group on facebook I happened to stumble upon. It's a GSA. So, there was this overly religious man who was shoving his religion down everyone's throats, calling all the people on that page sinners and pasting verses from the bible. He said he would 'pray' for everyone in hopes of 'curing' us. He also said it's sad that we would choose to live this way. I simply replied to him with:

Honestly, if someone could choose whether to be gay or not they would most likely choose not to be. Do you think we want our family's to reject us, people to call us names, just not to be accepted. You can't be in a committed relationship if the attraction isn't there, romantically or physically. That's all we really want for ourselves is to be accepted, and if we had the option, we would choose it. I'm not saying that we're born like this, but more-so influenced by our environments as children. I've been raised in a family where all the men are horrible people, so maybe that's why I turned out to like girls. I fear men and find comfort in women. You were probably raised to be a Christian, I'm pretty sure if you were never taught the things you were as a child you wouldn't have believed any of the things you do now. Just don't go judging people for their sexuality when it's already hard enough for them.

Ugh... just people.
February 1st, 2012 at 04:59am