journal one - original character discussion

Hi, I'm Ink. In case you didn't know... I don't know why you'd be here if you didn't, err, eh. Anyway. hello. The intimidating red font above this journal box is telling me that effort needs to be put into this journal-- my apologies if I didn't write a few drafts before peddling this forward.

But I digress; this journal entry my first one! And I'll be talking about original characters. We all deal with Sues, embarrassing self inserts, etc. When I first began writing fanfiction, all of my stories starred original characters. Around a few years after, I discovered the disease that was suedom, and eagerly attempted to slaughter all of my OCs to shape them into their own personae.

Still, as I'm finally getting off my ass to transfer my stories from Quizilla onto this lovely site, I'm realizing that most of my fics have original characters thrust upon the fandom, creating very unrealistic situations which sometimes can insult the reader who may be passionate about a certain pairing, etc. So, I decided I'd write this to let you all know that my stories will probably suck in your eyes, as most of the ones with the furthest plottage feature OCs. I apologize. No one wants to deal with that.

A commenter on Outside of Your Window asked about the story's tense-- yeah yeah yeah, it's definitely in second person. I get a little embarrassed whenever that's brought up (especially since I'd like to say I've grown out of the phase...) but I've received so many emails-- one wouldn't think so... it's only reason why I keep coming back here!!-- asking me to update that story. So, regrettably (or not) I am keeping it second person despite the bad wrap I may get for it.

That being said, thank you for reading and I hope you all have a great day.
February 2nd, 2012 at 07:38am