My life in classes

Okiey dokey new journal!
Am I the only one who says that?

So yesterday I woke up to my mom yelling: "wake up! We have to go early today, it's raining!" and I was all: "Oh my god it's raining! Frick yes!" I might actually have pictures for my photography assignment!

Then when I got to school about 10 minuets early, everyone was huddled inside the cafeteria to get away from the rain, but I was frolicking outside taking pictures and whatnot. Then my other best friend, Emmalee, came. She was thoroughly embarrassed and kept trying to drag me inside. I refused! And I probably looked rather phycotic by that point.

She was all: "Would you come on! People are staring!" and was just all "woopideedoo your blocking my shot." and nonchalauntly sipped my hazelnut coffee. ( btw, coffee with a bendy straw is the best idea I've ever had)

I ended up getting the coolest picture in the history of human existence and my crazy old photography teacher put on her glasses and said it was perfect. Shoosh yeah it was!

Oh my Gale Hawthorn I'm so stupid! It's 7:00! I've writing a Mibba journal when I should be straightening my hair!

Well im on my way to school now. Whitney (best friend) and her little brother Micha ride to school with us every day. Me and Whitney always sit in the back doing our makeup while my mom try's to talk to awkward little Micha in the front.
It goes something like this:
Mom: so Micha, do you like school?
Micha: yes mam
Mom: who's your favorite teacher?
Micha: yes mam

We're going early today so me and Whitney can serve detention. I feel really guilty because were in detention for being late, which was kinda my fault. It was Whitney's first detention ever and her mom wasn't too happy about it.

We walk into Mrs. Ingram's room with unsure faces. Well, Whitney does. I've been here plenty of times.
"Well what are you doing in here Whitneybug?" Mrs. says with her very country accent. She always puts "bug" behind the names of her favorite students.
We had a nice little conversation with her about the obnoxious freshman boys and people leaving there gym bags in the bathroom and tripping everybody. The only other kids in the room were an 8th grader, who was asleep, and a 7th grade girl who looked completely terrified. I was just thinking: mwaha! Seniority!
After English, Science, break, and Photography, I have chorus with all my drama friends. By drama friends, I mean everybody in the drama club which is about 10 people. Sad, I know. This year we some how scrounged up enough guys to do Phantom of the Opera for our spring musical, which I know absolutely nothing about. We have 5 guys: John, Chase, Caleb, the other John, and Luke. This year we got Daniel and Garner to be in it too, but Luke still has to play 3 different parts.
Oh but we have plenty of girl volunteers. Especially Lauren Katherin. She has been the lead in the past 4 musicals (which might have something to do with the fact that her mom is the director) and this year she's finally graduating. But guess who's playing Christine?

We all eat lunch in the chorus room as usual. We have 2nd lunch which consist of 10th-12th graders and is very scary for me Whitney Janie and Hope. (the only freshmen in chorus) Janie and Hope are some of my best friends, and theyre the ones who got me interested in the whole drama club deal. We all sit around Mrs. Stephenson's desk and talk about the play.

Mrs. Stephenson is pretty much my favorite adult in the world besides my parents. She's taught me piano since 3rd grade and voice since 7th. She also teaches the chorus class and everyone loves her. She lets us have our phones out and let's us study if we need to, and she sits and talks with us at lunch like she's a grown up teenager. She's a real pushover though, she's the only teachers that's never written a detention in her life.

Okay this journal is way too long. There's a little exerpt of my life for you!
February 2nd, 2012 at 11:54pm