i am sick and just really tired of being slammed for being a fan of mcr.

if you dont know what im talking about, it was the newest emo epidemic report on cbs 47. i cant find the video right now. but i was really outraged.

but i wrote a letter. if you have seen the video/just want to read, here goes: [its long]

I have just seen your report on the "emo" culture, and I am writing in response
to it.

First, I am speechless that it has been such an "epidemic" that this news
station is at least the second one to broadcast this type of program. I am also
speechless due to the fact that this "emo" problem has been generally approached
by a doctor, which you may find necessary, but this said problem should be
attended to individually.

I find this video completely bogus and offensive. While Dr Napolitano had some
good points, I can view the rest of the video quite outrageous. I am a huge fan
of My Chemical Romance, the band most-poked at throughout this video, and I have
NEVER found myself wishing death upon myself, bringing a razor to my wrist or
taking drugs. This part of the video offended me deeply, and I will never find
room to make amends for what it has done. I started viewing the report with an
open, unbiased mind, trying to find heart for the concerned peoples, but when My
Chemical Romance were introduced that really stopped my open mind from taking in
what you had to say.

Let me first say this: My Chemical Romance will NEVER promote death. Even
though some band members have been suicidal, I would not think they would try to
promote that. While The Black Parade is an album about death, it is not about
its glorification and sensationalizing of death. It is simply about how it,
death, comes for you. So, if a child were to wonder about how they will die,
not being suicidal, but simply wondering if life ended with two angels coming
for them, would that mean they are emo?

And I would also like to ask you a question: Have you ever heard of a suicide,
and someone was playing My Chemical Romance in the background? Never, I can
guarantee. But, Bjork has had that problem. Is Bjork emo?

My Chemical Romance, for your information, is an uplifting band and they give
you the will to live and love life through their songs. That is what I have
heard from tens and tens of their fans. Never, EVER have I encountered a fan
that said it brought them to take a razor and butcher their wrists.

Aside from My Chemical Romance, the rest of the report had its other problems.
You played the song "Hold On" by Good Charlotte in the background. I find this
the biggest flaw. Have you ever listened to the lyrics of "Hold On?" Even the
title gives away its message. A part of the song's chorus goes: "Hold on/If you
feel like letting go." Can I just say that that lyric not death-promoting, or
will that be counter-attacked?

This video gave a horrible generalization of this "emo" culture. While the
lyrics you showed from the song "Ride the Wings of Pestilence" by From First to
Last are particularly gruesome, have you heard of an "emo" teenager killing
someone, like their parents, skinning them and hiding their body? I'll even
check worldwide newspapers to counteract this. However, these lyrics in the
report have been taken literally. The members of From First to Last do not mean
to actually do those horrific actions. It could possibly mean to try to be like
someone else and being friends with their friends, bringing up the lyric "I'll
wear your skin as a suit/Pretend to be you/Your friends will like you more than
they used to."

With this, I will finish up my response. I hope you take my thoughts, and
others (which I am sure many other people will respond to this report) into
consideration and apologize for this crude, debasing report.

July 10th, 2007 at 03:43pm