That day of the week... Friday.

I feel like a grandma lately to be honest. I used to go out every Friday or Saturday night, sometimes both and now I'm left at home with nothing to do!

I don't intend to make this a journal entry about my boring Friday night so I'll move on to the next topic.

My boyfriend's cat is missing and he is really down right now. I keep telling him cats do that sort of thing and then return, though I can't be quite sure since I've never owned a cat before (or like cats). Do you think he will come back?

On other news I watched the movie One Day today and oh my God, I was left speechless... I definitely didn't saw that ending coming but I like that in movies sometimes. I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone so I'll stop talking.

I'm thinking of my story right now and posting another chapter tonight... I really want to make it interesting and not another boy meets girl one.
February 4th, 2012 at 04:03am