I think you're my true love

Dear Nick,
I still remember the first day we met. I was dragged to the skating rink to meet some boy. My sister had set me up on a blind date with help from Patsy. I remember her picking out my outfit and stuff. I wasn’t really excited… I didn’t really like ice skating, it wasn’t really my thing. I guess it wasn’t your thing either. I remember there being so many people, I remember telling my sister I was bored. Then I remember seeing you. I can’t remember how exactly I saw you. All I know is I saw you. I thought you were cute the moment I saw you. I remember my sister introducing us, I remember being all shy. We hung out the whole time we could, no skating, just chilling in the bleachers. My sister would look over every once in a while. Getting to know you was the best part. I wanted to know you and I still do. The first time I met you I felt something special. I wasn’t sure what it was… I think know that it may have been love because the second we separated that night I wanted to know the next time I would see you. And even now I want to know the next time I’ll see you. I’ve never felt like this before and I don’t think it’ll ever happen with any other person. I think I’m in love with you Nick Alexander Izzo. <3
February 4th, 2012 at 05:40am