Sacred- 2/4

A pair of glasses. A piece of paper. A picture. A video. That one thing that you value above

everything else and you would absolutely never forgive yourself if you lost or damaged it. It

can be anything because it is just for you, not anybody else.

I have a sacred pair of glasses from my twin who died when we were seven years old. They

are round and small. They have a silver frame with purple lenses. There is a picture of him

wearing them and if anything happened to either of those things I would be absolutely

devastated. My twin still means the world to me, here or not. I would have done anything for

him and everything I do, I do for the both of us because I know that is what he would have


Don't ever let any body tell you that something you value is stupid. Whatever that item is, the

one you have been thinking about while reading this, go get it, hold it close to you and just

remember why you love it so much and never let anyone take that from you, for anything.

I miss my brother, but everyday is easier because of all the items I have of his. My message

to you is to keep everything that has a good memory or even a bad one with it because you

don't want to forget anything in your life.
February 5th, 2012 at 03:03am