So My Pot-Head Cousin Put Weed In My 13 Year Old Cousin's Birthday Cake...

True story. We helped make some of the cake only to find out it had weed in it. Great... and apparently, that was her birthday present too. I don't really know what to make of this, because I kind of wanted some cake.

So, I kind of feel like it's a big twisted sick joke or something. We helped and everything, the cake said 'happy birthday' and had candles that were in the shape of a 13 on it. Then, when we wanted to eat it, we were told we couldn't because there was weed in it. Before, we were just told it was some "special" ingredient.

I mean, really? You're going to make your 13 year old sister a birthday cake only to tell her that she can't eat it because there's weed in it. And, on top of that, what really bugs me is that he asked us if we wanted to get high.
February 5th, 2012 at 06:12am