My thoughts on Madonna.

So I just saw Madonna's performance and let me just say she was never one of my favorite artists. Her early music seems a little bleh to me. I guess I was raised listening to other stuff. Although almost every artist I like is probably influenced by the Queen of Pop.

If you ask me she is one artist who is 90% constituted by flashy outfits, outrageous music videos and pushing the limits. You may compare her to Lady Gaga even but I will talk about that in a minute.

I don't think she has a good voice, if you really think about it, is annoying as hell. She isn't a beauty queen either. So what makes her all that popular and huge? Who hasn't heard of her? Who hasn't danced to even one of her songs?

She is a product, and she's known how to stay on top for a good... 20 years? I can think of at least 5 artists who don't need a lot of production to get attention. Adele is one of them, I'm talking about her performances and outfits. She's managed to get well known for her voice, not her body or music videos.

As to comparing Lady Gaga to Madonna, I would agree they're kind of the same. I can't deny Gaga isn't a product herself. I like to differ in the singing department. I've seen interviews and this documentary thing on MTV and I came to the conclusion that she's got something more. I like her voice for one. She is a little theatrical but who isn't? I don't believe she is a copy cat, but following a series of steps that are known to work.

Something about her music is different to me. Even though she is over the top and that can get really old, really fast. If I had to pick sides, I'd pick Gaga.

The point of this wasn't to compare the both of them but really disect what Madonna is to me. And I think she is getting old and irrelevant. She never was relevant to me but only now I'm realizing why.

There you go.
February 6th, 2012 at 02:32am