Letting my mind type for me.

Just for a moment I want to let my mind do the typing, and not my fingers, I want to just bitch about everything that has been bothering, I want to make a point, I want to get it out there, no matter how offended some people are or how annoying I get, I’m going to speak my damn mind now, because I’m sick of keeping quiet, just watching the world crumble. This is the only world we have, and we don’t stand up for it, this is the only life we have, we don’t have another chance, this is our first and last one, right now, if you are alive, this is your last chance, you don’t get another one here on earth, this is your land, you live on it, you live for it, with it, you co-exist. Are you like all of the rest of the ignorant souls who just watch it all crumble? Or are you actually thinking of taking a stand and changing something?
Do something productive with your life. No, that doesn’t mean go out and get a job, because in all reality, that doesn’t help shit, it doesn’t do anything to make this world any better, in fact, in the long-run, it almost makes it worse, just keep on polluting the air with your industry, your farming, your animal torture, keep killing society with lies and rumors, and judgment, keep causing your very own peers to take their own lives, keep telling that girl in the corner how ugly she is, although she is beautiful, and you’re the ugly one, you’re hideous, you’re disgusting inside, you are a monster, a terrible monster who is going to ruin lives until your last pitiful breath, until your last breath, every breath you take before then, is a waste of precious air, you contaminate this planet with your bullshit, keep telling her she’s a whore, keep degrading her to her very lowest, until tomorrow and then she’s gone, and you can’t say anything to her anymore, keep telling yourself it’s okay and that the world will fix itself, keep on telling yourself that, if you don’t want to be afraid of things falling apart, or if you are afraid but don’t want to do anything about it, go the hell ahead and tell yourself that everything will fix itself. But I’m just going to tell you right now, it won’t be okay, this world is going to shit, and it will not fix itself, if we want things to get better we need to show initiative, we need to push for it above all costs, we need to change this world.
Do you want to live a long, happy life? Do you want to stand for something, instead of live a pointless life, with a pointless family and a pointless job, where no one else in this whole damn world knows your name besides your neighbors and family? Wouldn’t you rather stand for something and die knowing you changed this world than die knowing you did nothing but destroy it? Get your heads out of the clouds, no, it won’t be okay, no, the government isn’t going to do anything about it, you have to, you have to help, you have to change things, you have to stand for the things you believe in, be the shield for it, be its protector, who knows, maybe you are the ONLY ONE who stands for whatever you’re standing for, and you are the only way it can be spread, the only way anyone will ever stand for it beside you, maybe the only way things can change the way you want, is if you stand for it, and express it and live for it, get it out there, stand for it, help change this world, it’s the only world we have, and there are so many things wrong with it, things we could change if we stood for what we believe in at all costs, if we just took a stand, hand in hand, and spoke our minds, we could see this world changing… by tomorrow if we tried enough.
We do have the power to change things. The government won’t do it for us, the world can’t do it by itself, we need to help, and we need to give this world a fighting chance. Why can’t we do that? Who cares what people say, they’re going to fucking judge you anyways, so why not stand for something in the process? The people who judge you do not matter, because if what you stand for is truly important to this world, it will all feel better in the end, fuck them, they don’t matter. The people who stand by you, do, not the ones who are trying to fight against you, they only matter if you let them tear down your walls, but you don’t have to do that, and if you do, you’re weak, and what you stood for must not have mattered. Take a few moments right now, leave your cell phone and your technology, leave it all right here, and just take a breather and think about all of the chaos outside of your life, the chaos in the rest of the world, you can actually change that, and keep changing that by standing up for something, just think about it, and after you’re done thinking, don’t even think about who’s going to judge you and who’s not, just express yourself to a webcam or something, on a blog, anything, just get your message out there about how you want to change this world, and then get all of the people who are watching you or reading your blog or whatever it is, get them involved, tell them to do something to help this world, get them to see the chaos too, but also let them know that they can actually help change it, that they could be part of something so much bigger, something that could change the world.
Go do that, now, leave this shit behind and do it, we can change this world today if we really tried. Now please, for the only world you have, the only life you have, go try, as hard as you can. Just do it.
February 6th, 2012 at 09:17pm