My life.

Heeey you guys!

So I've not been on here in forever! There's so much that's been happening that I've literally not had time. But don't worry, I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOU. Anyway, I thought I'd be cute and give you guys a little update on my life, even though you probably don't care, but hey! I'm bored and have a good few hours to kill!

So what has happened since I was last on?
Well, my older sister announced to us that she was engaged! Now, that sounds like great news, until you meet who she's marrying. A sleazy, lying heap of scum. In my opinion. He's messed her up so many times and just uses her. I literally hate him. But you know, this isn't about me, it's about her. So all I can do is give her my advice, but nothing else. If she wants to marry him, she can marry him. I suppose if she's happy, I should be happy. Plus, she is going to look so beautiful on the big day. CAN'T WAIT.

Other updates. Mercury-Rose.
Well, my darling 17-month-old daughter had to get her jabs about a week ago. She was an angel for the first two, sat perfectly still and just looking at mummy. But then, the third one she just couldn't take it any more. She was screaming and wriggling and it was a bit of a struggle to calm her down, but a small cup of orange juice and a little sticker pleased her and she was ready to tackle the needle.
The next few days she wasn't feeling great and spent most of the time cuddled up on the sofa with me watching her favourite cartoons. I hate seeing my little girl suffering, but it was good to spend some cosy time just me and her, without my mum fussing about or my siblings wanting to play with her.

But fortunately, she is back to her cheeky, mischievous self again! This morning she was running away with the toast, chasing the cat, and after her bath she just wouldn't stop laughing so I couldn't get her clothes on her! Aw, it's great that she's better but no gonna lie, I miss the peace and quiet.

Here she is in the bath this morning. My delightful little angel:

And finally, updates with me.
Well, not much. Starting to get more photography jobs to do at my work. I'm really happy! It's great! Although, I can't get the big deals until I'm 18. Buuuuut, my birthday is coming up really soon, 15 days actually, can't wait! Another thing that makes my birthday even more amazing, is the fact that this year, its on Shrove Tuesday. Also known as PANCAKE DAY. woooooop. I love pancakes. Oh god. Cannot wait. A BIRTHDAY ON PANCAKE DAY?! Actually can't get any better. Even though I have to go into school to do a physics exam, but ah well.

So yeah, there's my updates. If you read all of this, thanks. Hit me up with a comment or mail me or something, I'm pretty bored and need some entertainment? Or even ask questions, love getting questions! anywaaaay, that's me for now.

February 6th, 2012 at 10:28pm