For Dancers.

They would never understand the satisfaction I get when my legs are all bruised up and my feet are burnt. The meaning of missing toe nails and broken worn-out feet. The beauty of flats and pointes. Working your body beyond it's limit because you live for it. When your abs are so sore you are terrefied of sneezing, your calf muscles are too big for knee socks and your leg muscles are as strongs as a football player. Strong muscular legs, legs of a graceful articulate athlete. Being hurt beyond repair and not telling a soul for you rather die than stop. Every single bone in your body cracking by now command. Breaking in shoes like you would break pointes. Never sayind "I can't" but "I can do it better" because you've done magic before. Coldplay, The Killers and HIM being your favorite artist because their music just works perfectly to every move and step. Hearing those songs, remembering the feeling, the wardrove, the make up, and the moment the music started. Recognizing eachother because of how horrible are beloved feet are, our battle wounds and trophies. Saying I'm a proper at the end of what they ask what you do because they ALWAYS get the wrong idea it's almost insulting. "Twist", "circles" and "spins" are not a part of my vocabulary since they are PIROUETTES. Learning everything, changing everything, changing song, new coutns and learning everything again. Falling in love with that one guy that is just as dedicated as you are and it later on it becomes a competition to out shine him. When your social life comes last and becomes non-existant, getting called anti-social while you call them passionless. Not being tall and skinny yet proved everyone wrong. Jumping and telling yourself over and over "HOLD IT HOLD IT" because you wan't to almost reach the stars. Hating that one girl that seems to be a "natural" while you have to work even harder to pass her. Knowing no matter how the day started it will always end amazing. Biting heads off when they tell you it's easy and it's not a sport! Flexibility being the main topic for guys who just learned your passion. Always pointing, no matter what you're doing you're always pointing along with forever crouching in a full plie and not even going to begin when you jete to someone's arms. Learning to apprecciate bobby pins as if theyy were golden. PMS is nothing compared to PNSD. Knowing pointes hurt as much as how beautiful they look. Fighting every ache to become one of the noticed girls, no matter the pain. Guys wanting to see you leg muscles, classic. Having expectations so high, they seem unrealistic to other's who just don't understand. Legs shaking beyond beliefs and nauseous from giving it your all and more. Doing everything on releve. Silently bleeding in your new pointes but sucking it up for the love of the art. Our legs being every adjetive except "tiny" we work to hard and that's an insult. Repeating the words you have heard so much being told as you at the studio. Mikhail Baryshnikov being the closest thing to perfection. Actually knowing the fact that "The Black Swan" is not a dance movie but one that deals with dementia. When everything is done by a command, including falling because we control our bodies. Icy Hot being your best friend. Man in pink satin pointes being a beautful sight. Getting mad when people call it "cute and girly" when there's more suffering and bleeding but they would never trully know. Knowing E.D. have no fit in our world because our bodies need as much as they can get, no skipping meals allowed, you need a strong body. Svetlana Zakharova being one of your biggest role models. Having dacers thighs and thinking your fat but than realizing you have strong muscular legs. And so much more that could be said...and 5 6 7 8. DANCE.

February 7th, 2012 at 08:31am