The Friend Zone translator.

Quote 1: I love you like a brother.

Translation: Having sex with you is as appealing as incest.

Quote 2: I really like you as a friend.

Translation: I'd rather get impaled by a narwhal than to have intercourse with you.

Quote 3: You're too nice to date.

Translation: Grow some balls b*tch

Quote 4: Being in a relationship would ruin our friendship.

Translation: Being stabbed by a knife and being stabbed by your penis has a similar outcomes, me in tears.

Quote 5: You're so great. I'm glad someone listens to my problems.

Translation: You know who else listens to my problems? My cat. It has no life either.

Quote 6: You're so sweet.

Translation: Cotton candy is sweet but I'm sure as hell not dating that.

Quote 7: I'm just not ready for a boyfriend.

Translation: Don't take rejection too hard. We can still watch terrible romance comedies.

Guy Quotes

Quote 1: Hey.

Translation: sex?

Quote 2: You're a good friend

Translation: sex?

Quote 3: I admit it. I love you.

Translation: Just love me back! And also .... sex?
February 8th, 2012 at 02:43am