Giggles and Happinesses. And Something Else.

I wonder if you guys remember Matt....

For those of you who tend to read my journals, you might remember one from a few months ago (that I guess I deleted..?) about how my aunt was trying to set me up with her friends nephew, Matt. He was the one who plays football and who my aunt deemed very kind and polite and all that. You might also remember my 'diary' story, Out of Reach, that I was writing bookmarking the days, and how I was wondering "hmm.. will we ever actually meet?"

This was back in the beginning-ish of October.

Now, four months later, after the love and heart break with Connor, we talked.

See, I ended up finding him on Facebook and friending him. I didn't know if he remembered me or even knew who I was, but I wanted to see what would happen. And that same day, he friended me back. The first thing I said to him?

So you don't think I'm some creepy random person who just friended you because, I'm your Aunt Elaine's friend Michelle's niece. Nice to meet you! :D"

I'm totes the smoothest talker ever.

This was back on Saturday, and the two of us having been talking nonstop since. I guess my aunt had still been talking a bit about me to him, after him and his girlfriend (WHO WE SHARE THE SAME NAME!!! LIKE WTFFF LOL) had broken up (they had been going out about the same time as me and Connor. I guess she caused him a lot of drama and grief, so says my aunt. idk, none of my business).

And he asked me on a date. Nbd.


Right now I'm just hoping my parents let me. It's nothing really, it's more so we can get to know each other and walk around the mall. My dad SEEMS okay with it, but my mom never talks to me about this stuff. This is how she was with Connor too, and I'm sure after that whole thing she's less than excited to send me off with another boy. ahh. My argument is she and my sis can walk around too and shop, so it's like... supervised but not.

This is how I must compromise with my parents, even though I'm going to be 16 in 11 days.

It happens.

In other news, I found this amazing picture on tumblr and I want so badly to show you it but. I can't figure out how. And I don't feel like saving it.


And I'm planning my new story... :D woop woop!

Yeah I'm done xD
February 8th, 2012 at 03:03am