Warning, this is a rant

I just... I just want to disappear, and before someone freaks out on my profile I'm not talking about dying. I just... I want to go someplace where they won't find me. I'm just... sick of all the non-support and guilt trips that I'm sent down at least weekly if not daily. I'm just... tired of it.

And I'm so sick of being everyone's emotional punching bag. I understand that sometimes you just need to snap but I'm just... tired of it being me; like it's okay because I'm not fucking going anywhere anyway. It's fine because it's not like there's any reason to believe that maybe I'm actually hurting about it. Between the guilt trips from my mother and everyone around me snapping at me, I'm getting a little agitated.

And for anyone that knows what this is about just please don't take it to heart. It's fine, I understand that everyone needs a little time sometimes, but I'd really truly appreciate it if they were spread out a little bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to completely disappear off the face of the planet... though it's tempting at times. I just... I need a minute for someone to listen while I scream... ranting at a stuffed animal really only goes so far.

And I'm really sick of the financial guilt trips that my mother so kindly likes to throw in my face about school and whatever else I need to do. I didn't ask for her help, but it wouldn't kill anyone to show a little support. I just... I want to go away and never have to come back. I just... I want to disappear. I'm not asking for a clean slate, just a place away from here.

I guess this is more of a damaged child's plea for attention. It's not really about attention though... I just want them to care, and actually take the goddamned time to show it. That'd be nice... That'd be really nice.

Sorry about the whining... I'm done now.
February 8th, 2012 at 09:10am