The Stairs aways win.

And I get the award for clumsiest chick. I was being stupid and jumping down the stairs in my house, like a 3 year old. And our stairs are wood so my sneakers shouldn't slide, right??? Wrong, the bottom steps were wet my mom spilled her water bottle. I kept jumping and hit the wet stair and went down. My feet went right out from under me and I landed on my hip. Now there is a bruise, and it hurts. I love my dad, he heard me fall and opened the door to look out at me. "What happened?" he asked, I grinned. "I fell." He shook his head, "You can't win against gravity." He never really is concerned with my clumsy moments, just laughs at my stupidity with me after the pain dies. I don't think any of you really care about this. But if you do comment and show the love!!!
February 8th, 2012 at 09:15pm