Happy Birthday Jimmy Sullivan!

It's after midnight now and I'm laying here trying to figure out what I could possibly say about a man who without knowing it touched my life for the better.

I know I may have not become a fan of the band for awhile but there was always something about Jimmy that had me drawn to him and his style and him as a person.

One of my greatest and most prominent memories that everyone knows is of him and the stallion duck. I love going on YouTube or watching it on all access of him. It just brings me such joy.

That's really my favorite thing about Jimbo. He makes me so happy even when he's not physically around. It's his presence that I feel and I welcome it even when I'm listening to his final masterpiece, Fiction.

I could go on and on about how much a beast behind the kit he was and how much I wish he were here but today on his birthday I am smiling because even though he's in a better place I can feel his joy and I truly believe that's what he wanted.

To leave a mark on the world and with people he hadn't met but through his music and just his personality.

So as I end this I just hope that someone is smiling and knowing that Jimmy is smiling down at all of us too because he knows that we are remembering him on this special day his birthday.

Cheers to all of you. Here's to the wonderful man behind the kit upstairs.

Here's to Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan

February 9th, 2012 at 07:38am