What Should I Do?

Hey guys, I don't know who's reading this, but fuck, if you are, your support is much appreciated.

So this guy (We'll fall him Ben) and I have known each other for a while. But we really started talking during December, and became really good friends really fast. I was there for him when his girlfriend broke up with him, and when he needed support and nobody was there.

He was there for him when I had my surgery & when I lost my mind for a little while...then, after my surgery, he got back with his ex & started acting like a dick to me. A lot.

Then they broke up again and he was fine.

He started telling me I was amazing, incredible, pretty, funny, caring, friendly, & told me he could fall for somebody like me. & He would say the most amazing things to me. & He had a really big problem and I told him "We need to find that special person that will be there and we probably don't expect to love them; but they love us & that's all that matters". And he said "I think you're that person."

Two weeks later, his ex tells him she wants to get back with him & I start talking to his best friend (Whom we'll call Danny). I told Danny there's going to be an Asking Alexandria concert in a few months & he said we should bring Ben. So I told him "I think Ben is mad at me." & he said, "Why?" I told him, "I think it's got something to do with his ex (Whom we'll call Myca from now on)." & he said "Myca? I don't think he'd go out with her again." & I said, "I'm not so sure. I guess she said she wants to start hanging out again & I think he might like her (insert sad face)."

So Danny goes off and tells Ben that I told Danny that Ben liked Myca a lot all over again, and Ben yelled at me for an hour and a half last Sunday; I cried. A lot.

He called me "over dramatic", "immature", and "untrustworthy". He also said, "I don't know why I ever trusted you in the first place."

He yelled at me for being over-dramatic, when he was the one who over-reacted over something that never happened in the first place. He then proceeded to tell me he was "sorry" for being a dick, & then told me he had to go to work.

But five minutes later, he yelled at me again for being stupid. Then he said goodbye again and texted me back AGAIN five minutes later & went on a discussion of why he said he was sorry for ever talking to me. Then he said goodbye and then texted me back five minutes later saying he was sorry again for being an ass & that "college stuff" was interfering with his personal life. He also said he wanted a clean-slate & that we could start over.

We haven't said a word to each other since.

I don't even know what to do; he's pulled stunts like this multiple times before, and I'm fucking sick of it. I really love him, but he's obviously got feelings elsewhere & he doesn't even act like the old Ben anymore. What do I do?

What do I say?

Thank you...

Much love,
February 10th, 2012 at 02:15am