I survived a horror movie?? :O

Sorta...kinda.....no not really.

I was at science olympiad at the high school just an hour ago. After the class ended, about six of us stayed in the atrium and just talked. There was me, three of my friends from other schools, my friend from my own school and two sixth grade girls.

Suddenly, the lights flickered. None of us though much of it. The janitor walked by and asked if we flickered the light switch. We all said no and he went off to check it. They flickered again and then half of them stayed off. The other half stayed on, but kept flickering. Then, we heard the janitor screaming and we all started freaking out. My one friend ran outside and took off while the six grade girls froze in fright. Me and three of my friends ran to see what was going on. I actually thought there might have been a killer there, it was crazy.

So we are in this long hallway trying to find the janitor and the lights go off for a few seconds. When they turn on, the janitor's bucket is spilled over in the middle of the hallway. We freak out and run back to the atrium, the girls were gone but their stuff was all over the ground. We all started saying how they got killed too. We ran back into the hallway and ran into them, we all screamed and freaked out. Then, we hear the janitor scream again so we rush over to where we heard it and find him hanging from a hook on a door...not really.

He made it look like he was dead and we all laughed our heads off when he revealed that nothing really happened and he was just scaring us for fun.

That made me think...if that's what it's like to be in a horror movie...I want to be in one.

Question Time!!!

1. Do you like horror movies?
2. Do you like getting scared?
3. Would you want to be in a horror movie?
4. What would you do if you were in my position?
5. Shanks for reading this...yup:D
February 11th, 2012 at 03:07am