Trying to be mad about this, but it all comes back to me and I'm pretty damn happy

So my friends have started this huge joke about me and this one boy. And you see this boy is a boy who I had a crush on for a long time but the crush eventually ended with a really good summer and realization. Let me start from the begging.
Okay so I play in band and there's this one really annoying boy who sits next to me who's constantly talking to me. I'm not a mean person so of course I talk to him and of course we laugh. So they made a huge joke saying you like him you like him. And I'm like haha okay yeah sure -_-. So then to make matters worse my social studies teacher is talking to that boy that i liked at one time before. And we're the only two vegetarians in our grade so he's talking to him about being vegetarian and yada yada yada, and then my teacher goes 'you know brianna's vegetarian too you two should- *makes a hand gesture that looks like sex*' and i'm just like out of it in every way. So my friends then stated laughing and I slowly realize what just happened so then they're like haha and i'm like oh crap! and i laugh about it.
So then this little joke blew up into to this big 'triangle conspiracy' as we call it. he had no clue what they were talking about and i figured it was only a matter of time before he figured it out so i'm begging them to stop and then last week (after like a month) he figures it out. He's been avoiding me for so long now, and at first I was like great i lost a friend. How am I supposed to live this down?!? But then a few days ago I realized why am I worrying about this? I hope he confronts me about this! the reason being if he was really a friend he's be able to come to me about this and just ask me and no one else. otherwise he's a coward. he hasn't yet come to me and he's still a coward in my eyes for not doing that. And another thing is he thinks way too highly of himself if he really thinks that i like him without me telling him. I can't wait for it to be over ugh the worst thing is valentines day is coming so he probably thinks i'm going to go ahead and embarrass myself then. Only less than 4 1/2 months!!!
February 11th, 2012 at 03:21am