So it's like a diary...?

So.....this is kinda like a diary right? Anyways....since this is my first Journal. I guess I'll tell you about myself. First off, My name is Leyna. I'm 15 and I'm in grade 10. I have a boyfriend. My favourite holidays are halloween and Valentines day. When I'm older I want to be a lawyer. My friends tell me I have a way with words. I love to read quotes. (it's what I do most of my day) I write poems and lyrics. And some times stories. I love to draw and paint. My favourite quotes is "Imperfection is beauty, Madness is genious, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous, then absolutely boring." And it's by Marilyn Monroe. My favourite poem is by Robert Frost and it's called 'The Road not Taken'. I also love to take pictures. I use to swim, but had an arm injury last year and had to pull out of the competative team. My shoulder is still healing. I have no clue what happned to it. I started kick boxing, but I had to pull out of that too because of my shoulder injury. So once it gets warmer (I live in Canada, it's winter) I'm going to start running, just to keep in shape. I love to read. The book I'm reading in english class is 'The lord of the flies' I'm only on chapter 3, but it's pretty good so far. I love the city. I use to love the country, but now I'm a city girl. I love all kinds of music EXCPET country!!! Marianas Trench is my absolute favourite band! They have changed my life, and their music inspires me. I have tumblr and twitter. twitter is@LAF_1551 tweet me. and Tumblr is poetry4heart. I just got tumblr so yeah....I have two older brothers. I love video games. sims 3, skyrim, halo, minecraft, torchlight, garry's mod, audio surf. thats some of the games I play. I have steam, You can add me as a friend if you have it too, My username is Cookies54321. I love monkeys. My favourite tv show is Psych! No one else I know watches that show...if you do Message me or add me as a friend. My favourite episodes are American Duo's and Tuesday the 17th. Also if you read the graphic novel 'Bone' Message me! I love the series and I only know a couple people who've read it. I'm very random. Sometimes my friends think I'm going crazy. I am the creator of Purple Aquatic Monkeys. I have two dogs and a cat. Riley is a female golden retriever, she's my fatty. :) and Coal is a male border collie cross (we got him from a rescue centre so we don't know what he is exactly) He's a skinny little bugger. And Tabby is a female tabby cat. I'm okay at some math then really amazing at other math. I love drama class. I also love cooking. I'm not very funny. I've been through a lot of shit in my life. But all that shit has made me what I am today. And it has made me stronger. ummm......I guess I'll get to posting some stuff. So add me as a friend, or something. I'd love to talk to some people. =)
February 11th, 2012 at 04:02pm