Weight Loss

I need to vent.
Tonight's my cheat night and I'm cheating with shooters and I'm so glad I didn't go to the concert I was given the option of going to. I feel bad, but honestly, every time it's about an hour or two before I need to leave and I feel like my feet are glued to the floor and I can't even think of facing people.. Then I feel guilty for not going but I just really don't want to. My weekends are sacred. I love my time alone. I don't want to sacrifice it for something else - not even live music and sweaty bodies.
I guess I'll start with the statistics.
I started out at 163.5 on January 7, and today (January 11) I weigh 151. It may not seem like a lot, but visually, it truly is. I'm currently sitting in a little black and red dress that I haven't even thought I'd ever be able to fit into, and wearing heels that always made my feet ache. I'm able to walk that hill to school that used to make me wheeze, and even my hair is feeling softer from the vitamins and the sweat that makes it naturally healthy looking.
I feel fantastic.
And I just want someone else to know.
Want tips? I will be your guide. I'll give you the information, the clues, the guides.. But to loose weight you just need to be strong and know that the end result is near.
I've been on Pinterest - on the Fitness column. It's been a huge inspiration to not cheat.
And aside from tonight, I've been fantastic for the last week. The two weeks before this, I was bad and cheated.. and before that I was good (you can do the math - I'm not in the mood) but I'm bound and determined to be a bombshell for when I start working. I'm going to travel and do my art and enjoy life as a skinny bombshell.
I'm excited.
February 12th, 2012 at 03:15am