Cool Story,right?

Haven't done this in forever...Jesus.

Ok,a lot has changed,I feel pretty much...useless to the writing world at the moment but would like to "vent".

I have no effing friends!...ok,I do,but I don't have anyone to spend time with.Weekends suck,no lie.Having no one to tell how your week went then dig into some ice cream for the night sucks,but hey,I get by.

I fell in love again,for the worst but who cares.Most people are in love secretely but are forever alone,right?
But I am shocked by the number of people who flip out about me being,woah,calm down...don't flip a table,now.

Long story short,guys are users,people will dump you in life,and...who the hell cares what your sexual orientation is? Lulz!
I am strong and have been doing awesome,just wanting company...although,I'm sure mibba doesn't care.

Now off to play a zombie game on my phone and think about the boy."To the Moon and Back"...yeah.
-Kickin' Rocks,Sami
February 12th, 2012 at 07:19am