I don't exactly know where to put this..

I don't exactly know where to put this.. so I'm putting it here. If anybody thinks this is dumb, well, I didn't ask now did I?

Anybody out there that likes Supernatural, you need to go vote D:


We're losing.. so bad.. We make a good comeback and then we just get bent over in a matter of minutes. I have voted at least like 300 times. Dunno if that's legal buuut I've always been a rebel.

I really want us to at least come back and tie for a while, so all you fabbery fans go away!
This is very short, but hey, this is really all I came here for.


Oh by the way, if I do get somebody to go vote.. Use google chrome :) It makes sure that all the votes count. Even if you only vote two or three times. GO GO GO.
February 12th, 2012 at 08:54am