Bands Change & How to stop it from hurting to so much (Get Scared)

We all have had this happen to us from time to time, some more than othersme.

How do we stop this?

•I'll start out with my ...personal experiances.

If you are one of my lovlies then you would know how much reserch I put in my work & how much I enjoy discovering new bands following by trying to find out everything I can about them. (Call it obessive if you wish, I call it research!) I believe I subject myself to this pain by getting attached to these bands I care about so much that when they change it hurts me.

The history Get Scared & my personal feeling for them over the years

A perfect example of this would be a band I had dearly close to my sensitive, overly sinamental & fragil heart. Get Scared

Now before I continue Get Scared was, for me, one of those bands you watch come up (I shall compare them to a baby & me a loving mother!) You know as you watch a band get bigger over the years? Like a baby! Anyway when I heard Get Scared for the 1st time it was on Myspaceyou know, back when myspace was still relavent? they had a few hundred friends. Got bored with them after I heard their few songs & it was on to the next band for me. Still really liked them though. They stayed unsigned though. It bothered me but hey, I dont own a record label, so what is loving fan to do? Wait, & in the mean time, spread the word & tell as many people about awesome music as you can. Get scared got booked on some tours, I believed that they played some warped tour dates. By this time I was really wondering & getting impaitent with the fact they werent sign yet. Me the fan, not the people starving in a van gambling their money so they can eat. I'm pretty sure it was around late 2010 when I heard they were going to get signed to Universal Records! I recall being teary eyed as watched the studio update of them signing those big stack of papers. My babies! Theyre getting FAMOUS! I rejoiced. For soon, I visioned them soon in a big tour bus comfortable with a frigde full of food! Now it is time to focus on Nicolas Mattews, he was the vocalist of Get Scared from the beginning I watch him get married, divorced after a year, nearly commit suicide, (which was a catalyist sending what was once the little animosity GS & Falling In Reverse had between each other in to an all out internet war between the fans of GS, FIR & ETF) chase after this lovely girl by the name of Jamie Koala finally getting her but cheating her & ending up with Alexis Joice (Lexus Amanda) instead. Now All of this happened, when he was about to take his life I sided with him, I defended him even though I may or maynot have liked Ronnie Radke more at the time! I had to ward of stupid fangirls because of their closen blindness. At that point a fan needs to look at everything & know what the hell they're talking about before they go typing away going to aid of your favorite person, like they cant be wrong! Ugh, discusting. Sorry, I'm getting over worked. You just had to be there! I'm getting off track. Where was I? Ahh, yes. All these things, messing up my fragil emtions & one early morning I log on to the interwebs, checking up on all my favorite bands a people of this "scene" I'm so intrigued by I came across news that broke my fragil, loving heart... Nicolas Matthews resigned from GS?! No, thought frantically surely THIS must be a cruel sick joke & whom ever started this, this...this romur should be beaten! I told you lovlies, I love my bands, mess with them, you mess with me!

But at last my dear lovlies, this was no joke as hoped it was. & just like so many uncountable times I had the same lost feeling like when Nason left FIR, When TJ Bell left Motionless In White, when I almost thought Adam Warren left Oceano, When ASFTT stoped making music, When Tyler Carter Left Woe Is, Me.....etc the list goes on & on. My vision of GS in big tour bus faded. WHY!? Throuh all that struggle of 4 years & finally getting sign, when you can finally have rest would just walk away from it all? But he did, like it was nothing. He said he didn't like the direction the band was going. What? Do you been sucess? & finally getting known? I felt as if I wasted my love on Nick. oh & for some unknown reason to me a lot people believe Alexis, his girlfriend ha, oh I forget FIANCE', is to blame? People make their own decisions. Nick Mattews is a grown ass man hopefully & I do believe his mind is strong enough to make his own choices & not be so easily influnced. This isnt highschool people, its real life.Through my short decade & a half & one year i've learned to stay positive theres no point in hating anyone or anything. Also respect. With that in mine all though I do NOT agree with nicks choice I still have the same amount of respect & love for every single person I lay eyes on & wiish him the best in whatever he decides to do next. I just hope & wish he dosnt break my heart again

Oh sweet jesus these bands are gonna give me a heart attack for I care to much! So with the history if GS & my history with it being said it all goes back to the 1st question how can we stop it from hurting? I've come up with the idea of stop caring. Yes, yes, yes! Im aware its hard not to trust me of all people not caring about my bands is THEE LAST thing I would want to do but in order to keep this fragil heart of mine, that is permently placed on my sleeve for the world to see, its hard for me too. It all boils down to the most over used saying today, that I almost cringe everytime I read it in a comment on youtube


-Less Than Three <3
February 12th, 2012 at 08:52pm