Thinking Straight

Ever have one of those days where nothing you do seems to go right? Today is one of those days for me... I try to be the world's best friend and I guess I just forget about me sometimes... So after a lot of pent-up emotions, a few relieving Facebook posts, and too much I never said, it came crashing in. I don't want this to be depressing because I'm not depressed. I was due for a good, long cry, and, though I didn't get it all out, I'll be okay now. So to lighten the mood, I'm including a segment called Breakdown 101. There are two types of breakdowns.

1) Crying for a reason.
When crying for a reason (legitimate or not), remove self from situation. After doing so, turn to loved one who will listen (I chose to literally run into the sanctuary at church and cling to my mom's leg for about twenty minutes).

2) Crying for no reason.
When crying without knowing why, take favorite stuffed animal and pillow, close bedroom door, and cry (I find it helpful to also speak aloud). One might also find it helpful to eat something chocolate or at least sweet.

Hope this helps someone. BLESSINGS!!!!!
February 12th, 2012 at 11:44pm