Requested One-Shots

Okay, so I'm really sorry if I haven't updated anyone's One-Shots in a while, and I have a really good explanation.

Writer's Block.

That's right, I've had Writer's Block. I know what a lot of you are saying. Writer's Block? How can she get Writer's Block? She's brilliant. (Not really. I just fetl like saying that.)

Well, the reason I haven't written anyone's One-Shots is...Oh...Never mind...I've already said that.

Anyway, if any of you have any ideas on a story or plot line I could use, that would be greatly appreciated. If I use your One-Shot idea, I will credit you, and I will change some things around, so the basic idea is used with details changed.

If you want to help, just simply message me. I want all things to be confidential. I don't want people stealing your ideas. So, if you want to help, I would really like that. Hopefully, I will be able to start writing One-Shots again.

Alright, that's the end of my rant. I love you all!!
February 13th, 2012 at 11:13pm