Inspiring Quotes

I read this awhile ago and I thought Id share this with anyone who decides to read long enough.

"When we compare ourselves, we tend to compare ourselves with the most popular person in the room or we compare ourselves with celebrities we see on TV. We set excessive expectations by comparing ourselves unreasonably to people unlike ourselves and wonder “why can’t I be that?” We carry with us a vision of another’s perfection and expect ourselves to fit that exact mold. And when we don’t fit, we beat ourselves up for it, wondering why we are such failures. The problem lies in our emphasis on fitting into a vision we have created in our minds, which is not us. Let go of this perfect image, create visions of yourself out of the Being from who you are, naturally; and let that expression flow, naturally."

This also reminds me of something a celebrity said, I cannot recall the exact quote but it went something like; We live in a society where fame and money is everything and when we don't have those things we feel left out. So we constantly change ourselves to be like everyone else, have what everyone has and we hide our uniqueness inside. Every person has a certain beauty in them.

Inspiring :)
February 15th, 2012 at 04:58am