30 Days, 30 Letters Challenge

Day1- Letter to Best Friend

Dear Anthony,

Anthony even though I am dating you, you are also my best friend. I can tell you anything. I love you a lot and you are truly the only person I can tell my secrets too. Yes, its true I do keep some secrets from you, but I can't tell you everything. I think I have known you for maybe 10 years which is half your life and about 3/4ths of mine since I'm almost 17. Anthony ever since I met you I had a feeling that one day we would be best friends even though we came even more than friends. You have filled my heart with joy for years. Through all the fights and tears we always make-up, we get closer, we love each other more. I can't imagine my life without you. You have helped me so much you are truly my best friend and if I had to change somethings with is it wouldn't be much. You have spun my life out of control in good ways and bad ways. You are on my mind every secind of everyday. I sometimes say what would Anthony do or what would Anthony say. You have become such a big thing in my life that I am just not complete without you. I love you for that. I love you Anthony as my Best Friend, Boyfriend, Soul Mate, Etc..(; <3 <3

February 16th, 2012 at 03:06am