My love for you is as eternal as eternity, my feelings for you cannot be denied <3

So, my ex texted me today. Awesome luck -.- I had no intention whatsoever to talk to him ever again, but I did for about 10 minutes. I texted my best friend/boyfriend/fiancé and he said to ignore him. I wanted to curse my ex/rapist/abusive whore out, but I love my boyfriend with all my heart. Throughout the past year and a half, since the first day of freshman year when I met him, he's been through hell for me and stuck with me while I was in hell. He watched me go through hell and held me when I cried. He made me smile when I didn't want to, and no one could possibly ever understand how grateful I am for everything he's done, but at the same time, I can't help notice that while I was going through hell, all the little things he did added up and made a huge un-explainable pot of feelings for him. It's ridiculous.

He currently lives in Florida while I live in New York. He moved Sep. '11 and for the past couple months, I've been pretty lost. We fought and made up and fought more and made up some more up to that point where we couldn't handle fighting like that anymore because we couldn't tell each other what we felt, which in the end, was undying love for each other. (Idk if any of that just made sense)

Idk what to write anymore because when I think of him, I gets fairies in my tummy that flutter around as if trying to stampede through the walls of my stomach in order to get out. I mean, he makes me so fucking happy. I'm the type of girl that will have a relationship with you but secretly have thoughts about you doing me wrong and whatnot. I will admit that to anyone who asks, but with him, I don't feel the need to worry because I know deep inside that he's mine and after the past year and a half, he wouldn't be mine if he didn't want to be.

So, uhhh, yea, my ex, I ignored him ^.^ Even though I shoulda told him to go fuck the whores that he "wasn't talking to like that" (assumption again, sorrie) and after that, have anal sex with a fucking cactus. I would never wish for him to get as he did to me, but I really do hope something happens to him that makes him have the nightmares I do every night. I hope he's happy, but miserable. I love my boyfriend/fiancé/bestfriend <3 I love you baby <3 Forever and ever. Always and eternity <3
February 16th, 2012 at 05:28am