Requests, Amy, Liberty Walk, All The Way...Need I say anymore?

There are several things I need to say so listen up.

1) Requested One-Shots: For those who have requested a One-Shot, your name got deleted. I am so sorry about that. I really am. So, what I need you to do is send me a message stating your username, your name, and which Adubber you want to be with. One more thing, I am also extending the boys. I will also take requests for Hot Chelle Rae, (though it will have to be Ryan or Nash, they're the only ones I know! Hahaha!) The Downtown Fiction, (that one will have to be Cameron, he's also the only one I know) and Big Time Rush.

One other thing, I have no story plots, (I know I have already said this, but I'm just reirating it.) So, if any of you have any ideas, (Cuz there's probably one, like, or two of you actually reading this.) Just send me a message with your plot line, and I will make sure to fully credit you.

So, that's that. Now, on to my other rants.

2) Amy: I AM writing this. I have not forgotten about it. I am still writing it. Actually, when I get some time in class, I write this. I tried updating this during class today, but got cut off, because the teacher caught me and cut off my internet. Hahaha! So, I am writing this, and I'm really sorry if I haven't updated. I will try to do that either tonight, tomorrow, or sometime this weekend. So, be looking for that.

3) Liberty Walk: Sadly, this story is over. I finished writing this last week, and I like the way I ended it. That's another thing to be looking for.

Also, if any of you have any ideas on another story I could write, suggestions are always open. I will read it, and send a message saying thank you. Full credit will go to you, and I will forever be in your debt.

Last but not least:

4) All The Way: The One-Shots are slowly coming to an end, and I really enjoyed writing them. I just want to say a big thank you goes out to the people who have been continually pushing me to write these. I don't think any amount of thank yous could ever make up for the amount of pushing you guys have instilled in me.

I love you all so much!!

This is not a goodbye. This is merely a thank you for putting up with me.
February 16th, 2012 at 11:36pm