The "Read 'Em Or Suffer" series...(Entry 53)

So boy do I have something to tell you all. There was one little bat (yeah you read that right; A BAT) flying around in the Hawk's Nest and one security guard thought that it would be a great idea to closing it down for the night. One of my friends told me that a few years ago they actually had THREE BATS in the Nest and kept it open. So now I have nothing to do minus that of studying for my religion test tomorrow and typing out REOS. So I guess I'll get started on this next installment before I go study some.

The fifty-third installment of REOS is...
Forelsket by pioneer

So far this story has 16 chapters, 165 comments, 998 readers not bad really; of course it could be a hella better, 288 subscribers, and is Rated PG-13. The eye-candy of this story is none other than the sexy leader singer of The Maine (Pat's hotter though; to me at least) is John Cornelius O'Callaghan V. The genres for this is Romance (and maybe drama). Thesummary for this is...well seeing as there isn't one; you know what that means...

My grandfather was a pot-bellied man who, after his wife left him (which would make her the second), came knocking at my families door. He had a wheezing cough from the years of smoking, and I believed that, if anyone had been shown mercy, it was him. Smoking since the age of thirteen, and aged at sixty-five when he arrived at our doorstep looking like a lost, scared puppy, you’d think his time was just about up.

We’d taken him in, even fixed up the basement, which would become his layer and one of the most avoided (by me, at least) rooms within the house. His footsteps would later become so distinct to me, that I could calculate his steps in order to avoid him as a whole.

Though, when he first moved in, he used to bring little things for my older sister and I when he used to go out. Small things like chocolate, cheap bears/toys, gum. Stupid things like that, that just made him grandpa.

He paid particular attention to me – I was his favourite. I remember my sister having a fit once. She wasn’t used to me being the favourite because it was usually her. She did everything right, and she was the angle and mom and dad not only loved her, they adored her. But they took some of the adoration they had for me to use on her. She was the center of attention, the most important. Naturally, I loved my grandfather very much, because for once, I felt important.

Guess I have to get started on talking about the author. Well, she's Ellie; in love with Evan Peters; sometimes forgets that she's alive. And if you know anything else then please tell me so that I can update this when I get the chance to do so.

Now let's get started on her stories...

1) Forelsket {means: the euphoria you first feel when you fall in love}
2) Sink or Swim with 1, 0, 54, and 0 {drabble piece; original fiction; PG}
3) Sink with 1, 3, 61, and 2 {original fiction; drabble piece; PG}
4) Pieces with 1, 0, 17, and 0 {drabble piece; PG; original fiction}
5) Indefinitely with 1, 1, 35, and 0 {drabble piece; original fiction; PG}

So I guess that's it for that. Now I get to study for a boring religion test where we also have to write a full-out essay (can somebody please tell me why the teacher thought that would be a great idea?)
So until next time...
XOXO Nikii Nightmare

Disclaimers: You already know the drill, so don't try to sue me

February 17th, 2012 at 04:06am