Because I'm dating a Wookie...

... It only makes sense that I got a box of chocolates that have Darth Vader's face on them, right?Actually that makes no sense at all, since Sith and Wookies really aren't related aside from the fact that they're both Star Wars things. BUT YOU KNOW, WHATEVER.


Yep. That's my box of yummy chocolates that I got from my Wookie. Even though I told him not to get me anything, because I don't celebrate Valentine's Day because it is a scam rooted in corporate greed and has virtually nothing to do with Saint Valentine and anyway your partner should know that you care about them 365 days a year and you shouldn't have one day where you prove it and then go back to the same old, same old.

Anyway, yeah. That's my box of chocolates. I posted that mainly for Hina, since she wanted to see it. Also, my Wookie:


*I call him my Wookie because of his scruffiness/facial hair and also because when he yawns he makes this gargling sound that sounds like Chewbacca.*

Yeah. There's a picture of him without my ugly face getting in the way, Hina.

This has been a lame journal. I won't bore you with my gushiness any longer.
Can you tell Gatsby is not used to having a male about?
February 17th, 2012 at 05:55am