February 17, 2012; Fox

Can I use these as just journal entries? Yes? No? Maybe?

That's what I'm doing anyways. My name is Darling. Well, not really but at the same time really. 'Darling' is what my name means. And in all honesty, I quite like Darling a hell of a lot more than my actual name. So, I shall stick with Darling. Also, you will notice I refer to a good bunch of people as animals; mostly guys, though. It's an odd habit I've picked up.

Me and fox made each other sick. We can't figure out who was sick first but needless to say, we both woke up in a sneezing fit. I can't stop sneezing. It's driving me nuts. How am I supposed to go to work sneezing like this? Plus, I bet it was me that made fox sick. It's bizarre how much I have been sick lately. I used to be the one who never got sick. Now I'm always sick and getting everyone else sick.

He's coming to get me from work today. Me and him are such an odd couple. We make no sense what so ever. One day we literally hate each other; can't stand to even look at the other; would tear the other apart given the opportunity. The next we love each other; can't get enough of the other; can't bare to be apart. We are honestly quite ridiculous. He's gone to jail because of our relationship. I've been arrested because of it. We've ended up in a city foreign to both of us, three hours away from home just for the adventure. Our families hate the other. He's a game master; I'm a puppet master. It makes for brutal games that we play. Constantly, we're trying to outsmart the other. In all reality, our relationship is terribly unhealthy.

I should care more than I do. He sees things nobody else does. He knows how to push me like nobody else does. He makes me smile like nobody else does. He's just, he's fox. He's him and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world, even though I might hate him every other day.
February 17th, 2012 at 08:03pm