Be Quiet And Listen

I've noticed recently that too many people are self-absorbed and spend little to no time focusing on anyone but themselves. I posted this on Facebook, too. If someone comes to you talking about something bad, don't try to out-do them. It is not a contest!!!! The person coming to you needs someone to listen. When I go to some of my friends, they don't seem to care at all. They're too worried about making their own lives look horrible. I do my best to listen to everyone silently, only talking when I have something potentially helpful to say. Why are some people so concerned with only themselves? I don't complain often, so when I do, I'm trusting you to not turn me away! What I'm saying to you is something I may not be able to tell anyone else!!! So please, next time someone tries to vent to you, be quiet and listen. Just listen. Trust me when I say it means the world to someone who's hurting. Also, if you MUST say something, don't belittle someone else's problem. Everyone tells me, "Oh, no. That's nothing compared to what this person did!" I honestly, for one brief moment, don't care. I promise I will get back to listening to you if you listen to me for just a second. Sometimes that's all I need. Sometimes, instead of saying, "Call me if you need to talk, or rant, or cry, or randomly scream at someone for no real reason," I want to be the one to randomly yell for no reason, or to cry when I need to most. Next time a friend needs to talk, be a good friend. Be quiet and listen because sometimes the best friend is a silent one.

February 17th, 2012 at 10:52pm