When the Stars Go Out.

Hello there.
Right so a few things today, because I can and because really no one around me understands at the moment. First things first.

I've started a new story.(Again) And I'm super freaking excited about it because it started as a graphic idea before spiraling onward. First graphic ever, not so first story ever. I'm still playing with ideas and such at the moment but I have the first chapter started and it's actually coming out alright for once; hey I might plot this one!

Secondly as I said before; I made a graphic! There's a first time for everything as they say and really the original didn't turn out half bad. But then, I did what I normally do: I magic-ed it up. Maniped in a wand, which was a ridiculous and I am still not happy with it, but hey; I added in a magic freaking wand instead of a katana. Redid it twice and pow. I have the background of my new improved story layout. Although I don't think I'll ever do any like that again, it just feels off to me.

Plus I'm not mucking about like before today, because of course I'm not back in school and no ones really making an effort for it. Everything in time right?
February 17th, 2012 at 11:05pm